What are the 10 most common phobias?

What are the 10 most common phobias?

Top 10 List of Most Common Phobias

  • Social phobias: Fear of Social Interactions.
  • Trypophobia: Fear of Circle Clusters.
  • Atychiphobia: Fear of Failure.
  • Thanatophobia: Fear of Death.
  • Nosophobia: Fear of Developing a Disease.
  • Arachnophobia: Fear of Spiders.
  • Vehophobia: Fear of Driving.
  • Claustrophobia: Fear of Enclosed Spaces.

What are the top 5 phobias?

Here’s a list of 5 widespread fears:

  • 1) Social Phobia: The Fear of Judgment or Rejection.
  • 2) Arachnophobia: The Fear of Spiders.
  • 3) Agoraphobia: The Fear of Open or Crowded Spaces.
  • 4) Claustrophobia: The Fear of Tight Spaces.
  • 5) Acrophobia: The Fear of Heights.

What are peoples #1 fear?

Overall, fear of public speaking is America’s biggest phobia – 25.3 percent say they fear speaking in front of a crowd.

What are the 12 phobias?

Top 12 Most Common Phobias in America

  • Mysophobia- fear of germs or dirt.
  • Pteromerhanophobia- fear of flying.
  • Social phobias- fear of social situations and people.
  • Trypanophobia- fear of injections.
  • Astraphobia-fear of thunder and lightening.
  • Cynophobia- fear of dogs.
  • Agoraphobia- fear of not being able to escape 8.

What is the #1 phobia in the world?

Arachnophobia – Arachnophobia is possibly the most well-known of all phobias. It is the fear of spiders, or arachnids. Estimates put arachnophobia at affecting roughly 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men.

What is Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia?

Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia is the fear of long words. This 35-letter, 15-syllable word contains the root sesquipedalian, which means “long word.” Therefore, it is sometimes called sesquipedalophobia.

What are the 100 most common phobias?

Top 100 Phobia List

  • Arachnophobia – The fear of spiders affects women four times more (48% women and 12% men).
  • Ophidiophobia – The fear of snakes.
  • Acrophobia – The fear of heights.
  • Agoraphobia – The fear of open or crowded spaces.
  • Cynophobia – The fear of dogs.

What 3 fears Are we born with?

Fears we are born with

  • Fear of falling. Here the scientists have found that humans are born with the fear of falling. Usually, fears are born with experience and cultural beliefs.
  • Fear of loud noise. This is also a fear type that we are born with.
  • How to overcome fear? Fear is not an issue.
  • Fear and Phobia. LSU.

What are the top 20 weirdest phobias?

Anthrophobia– Fear of flowers.

  • Apeirophobia– Fear of infinity.
  • Barophobia– Fear of gravity.
  • Bibliophobia– Fear of books.
  • Catoptrophobia– Fear of mirrors.
  • Chromophobia– Fear of colours.
  • Cometophobia– Fear of comets.
  • Coulrophobia– Fear of clowns.
  • What is the longest phobia ever?

    Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is one of the longest words in the dictionary — and, in an ironic twist, is the name for a fear of long words. Sesquipedalophobia is another term for the phobia. The American Psychiatric Association doesn’t officially recognize this phobia.

    How do you say this word Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis?

    The Longest Word in English – YouTube

    What is the #1 weirdest phobia?

    Top 10 Most Bizarre Phobias

    • Optophobia: Fear of opening one’s eyes.
    • Chorophobia: Fear of dancing.
    • Geliophobia: Fear of laughter.
    • Heliphobia: Fear of sunlight.
    • Deipnophobia: Fear of dinner conversations.
    • Neophobia: Fear of new things.
    • Syngenesophobia: Fear of relatives.
    • Ablutophobia: Fear of washing and bathing.

    What is the phobia of dirty bathrooms?

    Bathroom Phobias

    It affects both men and women and is believed to originate in early school experiences. Mysophobia also known as germophobia, and bacillophobia, is the unreasonable fear of germs, bacteria, dirt, contamination, and infection.

    What are humans 2 main fears?

    We are born with only two innate fears: the fear of falling and the fear of loud sounds.

    What is the longest P word?

    What does pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis mean? Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a term for a lung disease caused by inhaling silica dust, as in I had trouble breathing and my doctor diagnosed me with pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.

    How do you say Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu?

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    What is the happiest phobia?

    The term cherophobia, originating from the Greek term ‘chairo,’ which means ‘to rejoice,’ is the aversion to or fear of happiness.

    Is there a phobia of children?

    People with pedophobia develop an irrational fear of babies and small children. The word pedophobia stems from “paida,” the Greek word for children. “Phobos” is the Greek word for fear.

    What’s the longest phobia?

    What 3 fears Are you born with?

    Are we born with phobias?

    a phobia may be associated with a particular incident or trauma. a phobia may be a learned response that a person develops early in life from a parent or sibling (brother or sister) genetics may play a role – there’s evidence to suggest that some people are born with a tendency to be more anxious than others.

    How do you say Pneumonoultramicilscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis?

    Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Pronunciation
    It is pronounced pneu·mo·no·ul·tra·mi·cro·scop·ic·sil·i·co·vol·ca·no·co·ni·o·sis.

    Why is it called pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis?

    Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a New Latin word made up of five parts. The combining form pneumono- means “lung.” The word ultramicroscopic refers to something so small that it can’t be seen by normal microscopes. Silica is a material often found in sand and flint.

    What does Taumata whakatangi hangakoauau o tamatea turi pukakapiki maunga horo nuku pokai whenua kitanatahu mean in English?

    Near Porangahau in Hawke’s Bay is an unassuming hill known as “Taumata whakatangi hangakoauau o tamatea turi pukakapiki maunga horo nuku pokai whenua kitanatahu”, which translates into English as “the place where Tamatea, the man with the big knees, who slid, climbed and swallowed mountains, known as ‘landeater’.

    What phobia does Billie Eilish have?

    The ‘lovely’ singer admits she has a big fear of water
    “Water used to be my biggest fear—I was terrified of drowning and having my head stuck underwater,” she revealed. Continuing on, the songwriter shared that she has a need to attack her fears head-on. “But I’m a daredevil,” Eilish confessed.

    What are common phobias?

    Common phobias include:

    • fear of spiders, or arachnophobia.
    • fear of flying in an airplane, or aviophobia.
    • fear of elevators, or elevatophobia.
    • fear of heights, or acrophobia.
    • fear of enclosed rooms, or claustrophobia.
    • fear of crowded public places, or agoraphobia.
    • fear of embarrassment, or katagelophobia.

    What are the 5 most common phobias?

    What is the #1 most common phobia?

    What is the longest word phobia?

    What is the longest phobia word?

    Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is one of the longest words in the dictionary — and, in an ironic twist, is the name for a fear of long words. Sesquipedalophobia is another term for the phobia.

    What’s the most common phobia?

    What are the top 3 phobias?

    So what are the 5 most common phobias?

    • 1) Arachnophobia – fear of spiders.
    • 2) Ophidiophobia – fear of snakes.
    • 3) Acrophobia – fear of heights.
    • 4) Agoraphobia – fear of situations where escape is difficult.
    • 5) Cynophobia – fear of dogs.

    What is the phobia of blood?

    What is hemophobia? Hemophobia, or blood phobia, is the medical term used to describe an intense and irrational fear of blood. Generally speaking, phobias are extreme, often irrational fears that interfere with an individual’s ability to function in their day-to-day lives.

    What is the phobia of death?

    Thanatophobia is an extreme fear of death or the dying process. You might be scared of your own death or the death of a loved one.

    What is female phobia called?

    Gynophobia is defined as an intense and irrational fear of women. It may be characterized as a form of specific phobia. Specific phobias involve a fear that is centered on a specific trigger object or situation, which in the case of gynophobia is women.

    What is a fear of pain called?

    Algophobia is a fear of pain. It’s common in people with chronic pain syndromes who may be afraid that their pain will return or get worse. Most people can manage pain-related fear with a combination of psychotherapy, exercise and exposure therapy. Appointments 866.588.2264.

    What is Mazeophobia?

    Mazeophobia, the scientific name for the fear of being lost, is caused by the emotional unsettling of being in an uncomfortable or unknown place. From the research, 24% of participants said that they get scared of being lost in unfamiliar surroundings, whilst 46% said that the feeling of being lost is unsettling.

    What phobia is fear of girls?

    Gynophobia is defined as an intense and irrational fear of women. It may be characterized as a form of specific phobia.

    What is basophobia?

    basophobia (uncountable) Inability to walk or stand erect, due to emotional causes. quotations ▼

    What is Athazagoraphobia?

    Athazagoraphobia is a fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten. For example, you or someone close to you may have anxiety or fear of developing Alzheimer’s disease or memory loss. This might come from caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.

    What is Barophobia the fear of?

    People with barophobia fear gravity. They worry that gravity will cause a fall that leads to serious injury or death. Or they fear that gravity may topple a heavy object onto them. A person with barophobia may also be frightened of images of outer space where gravity doesn’t exist.

    What is the fear of precipices called?

    cremnophobia (uncountable) A morbid fear of abysses or precipices.

    What does Mnemophobia mean?

    Morbid fear of memories
    Morbid fear of memories.

    Is Trypophobia a phobia?

    Trypophobia brings on feelings of disgust or fear when you see patterns with lots of holes. Sunflowers, honeycombs, sponges and seedy fruits can cause this response. Trypophobia is a type of anxiety disorder. Most people don’t have a true fear of holes.